


Emory Oxford、UW、UW-Madison 哪个好?内详...

能进Emory College肯定去Emory,美国前20名的学校不去有点扯。Oxford College跟UW-Madison比的话就像苹果比橘子,看楼主的口味了。。。Oxford校园很小,教授学生比例高,学生管得比较严。UW-Madison很大,没人管你,想干什么就干什么。 天气看你喜欢热还是冷。我现在在Northwestern,跟UWM天气差不多。这里没别的毛病,就是冬天太冷了,冻得不能出门。但春夏很舒服。两所学校的地理位置就像福建比吉林。治安问题要批评LeehomYLconan一下,不要吓唬楼主mm。两个学校都是绝对安全的(都在在小城镇,所以犯罪率很低)。

如果能像chocolatenutz所说的可以拿Emory学位的话,还是去Oxford。UW-Madison是个不错的学校,但是毕竟不是Top School。当然Emory也不是牛校,跟Top 15学校像Columbia,或UChicago还是有很大的区别。听说Emory的名声也是最近十几年可乐捐了两三个亿才升起来的。不管怎样,我觉得楼主选哪个都不错!

华盛顿大学 BOTHELL 校区 高手进

本人是西雅图华盛顿大学的。Bothell校区不是Seattle Campus,在Seattle市北,是完全独立的校区,但是属于UW系统。毕业证书上会注明毕业的校区(Seattle,Bothell,or Tacoma)。(有些中介会“混淆”概念,因为Bothell是有双录取政策的,广告上都打的是Seattle的旗号,其实Bothell有点像西雅图华盛顿大学的分校。。。一般认为,USNEWS上UW的排名指的是Seattle校区,Seattle也比另外两个校区难进)不过你如果毕业后回国的话,估计中国人也不会太懂,管它Bothell还是Seattle呢,都是华盛顿大学,呵呵O(∩_∩)O~。。。不过教学是不一样的


Q: Is the same degree offered at all three University of Washington campuses?

A: Yes. The degree is a University of Washington degree. The only difference is in the fine print on the diploma stating the campus location, e.g., “conferred by the faculty of the University of Washington, Bothell” (or “Seattle,” or “Tacoma”).

Q: Is tuition the same at each campus for undergraduates?

A: Yes. Fees may vary slightly, but tuition is exactly the same.

Q. How do the campuses differ?

A: UW Seattle is a world-class research university with 145 years of history, 140 majors and opportunities to explore a tremendous range of subjects with faculty who are leaders in their fields. Students are certain to find peers who share their interests. While the campus has the benefits of being large and diverse, it also offers many options for students to make it *** aller and more personalized.

UW Bothell offers all of the UW traditions of excellence in education in a *** all-campus environment. Set in a state-of-the-art high-tech campus in a beautiful natural setting, UW Bothell is convenient to students who live and work in the suburban corridor east and north of Seattle. Students work closely with faculty who are leaders in their fields. Bothell is closely connected with the needs of the region it serves through community and class projects, internships, research and service projects. Freshmen entering this fall will begin with the Discovery Core, a team-taught, multi-disciplinary approach to learning. This will feature assignments inside and outside the classroom, and students will be engaged in a variety of opportunities aimed at helping them explore and understand current issues in innovative ways.

Q. Is the faculty comparable on all three campuses?

A: Yes. All University of Washington faculty members are hired and evaluated on the same basic criteria. Because the quality of faculty is consistent, some teach on more than one campus.

Q. If I get into Tacoma or Bothell now, can I later transfer to Seattle?

A: Bothell and Tacoma are developing a high-quality four-year educational experience and seek students who are interested in that full educational experience. Your chances of being able to transfer to Seattle from Bothell and Tacoma are roughly the same as for any student transferring from any other college or university.

Q. Can I live on campus at UW Bothell or UW Tacoma?

A: At this time Bothell and Tacoma do not offer on-campus housing, so students commute.

Q. Is it easier to get into Tacoma or Bothell than Seattle?

A: Minimum university requirements, as set by the HEC Board and UW faculty, are the same for all three campuses, and the application processes are similar. For the freshman class of 2006, competition is greater for admission to Seattle. Because students are just becoming aware of this new option at Bothell and Tacoma (established by the Washington State Legislature in April 2005), students have an opportunity right now to be part of a historic first freshman class at these two UW campuses. Bothell and Tacoma will continue to accept applications until seats are filled.

您的第二个问题——“大约离着华盛顿大学uw多远”。。。这个你可以用Google Map搜一下。。。约17.4英里,即28公里,开车24-27分钟(Bothell在Seattle北部,算华盛顿州的一个市,相当于Seattle的“卫星城”)



金融学(中新合作办学) 以下简称uw 是城市学院商学院和【新西兰怀卡托大学管理学院】合作办学UW毕业证的一个交流项目 是新西兰!不是新加坡也不是什么新马泰十日游 这个性质差不多就像是苏州的西交利物浦和宁波的宁波诺丁汉一样 【在国内修读一部分学分 然后出国继续完成另一部分学分 最后拿到双方学校的双文凭】 对于一些想要出国的学弟学妹来说 这是uw专业更大的吸引力

学的东西主要都是商科 大一还比较偏向于英语 有好几门英语课 大二开始就是一些商科的基础课程(经济学 管理学等等) 到了大三就开始接触一些金融专业方向的课程(比如国际金融 公司金融这一类的) 或者 一般三年半的时间能全部读出拿到怀大毕业证书 四年时间双方文凭到手

我们这几届人数都是120人左右 一般外教的大课分成两个班 小课分成四个班 听课什么的都还能接受 对英语的要求不算非常非常高 有一年的时间给你调整 但如果到了大三你的英语还是跟不上 那你会很吃力 所以我还是不建议英语非常差的同学来学 毕竟你要花上比别人多四五倍的努力才能达到一样的效果

至于毕业的工作方向 我个人觉得吧商院除了会计比较专业以外 其UW毕业证他金融类的像证券银行投行等等的基础工作 一般本科毕业的商学院学生还是比较能协调的

这方面我觉得每个人每个家庭的情况都不太一样 要不要学金融专业是要靠你自己的意愿来决定的

整个专业的学风还算不错 因为有各方面的压力 所以平时需要投入更多的时间学习 但是在大学还是比较自由 你不读书你挂科你不毕业 你自己觉得没问题那就没问题 反过来说只要努力四年拿个文凭更是没问题的







三、如果实在不愿意出国的可以办理带有学位的留学回国人员证明,因为留学回国人员证明在 留学身份栏里也有学位的体现也能证明在国外顺利毕业的。

你在华盛顿大学西雅图学校吗?如果先选择UW BOTHELL双录取然后在西雅图读语言如果成绩好的话能选择西雅图

贝瑟分校雅思要求也是7分,只是语言过关后可以直接入读贝瑟分校的本科。至于转分校必须你的GPA达到3.4左右(不知道你的专业),而且转学的话可能华大直录对GPA的要求会比转学门槛低一些。留学生嘛这个分校中国的的freshman貌似很少的样子,它主要的目的是服务于华盛顿州北部居民的。最后文凭的问题是:你可以查一查(西北大学,乔治华盛顿大学,康奈尔大学,纽约大学最近在 *** 貌似也有新建的分校)和他们做个对比。这些大学的分校区不论从占地规模,投入资金比例,学生资质(当然我只是就事论事),都是bothell不可比拟的。 当然拿到了uw bothell campus的文凭后在当地找工作雇主不会把uws uwb分开来。但是放眼整个美国的话其他地区的人一定会看谁名气大咯。如果回到国内的话,那OK。那绝对没问题。
